A ghati karma that obstructs the capacity of soul to think properly.
The state of freedom, for a soul, from the cycle of birth and death.
The topmost area of the universe, the area of freedom. After death, a liberated soul rises to it, and never comes back into the cycle of birth and death. Every soul that exists there is Kevalgnani, Kevaldarshi and has infinite dhariya, tapa and veerya.
One who keeps maun. He only observes, without praising or complaining.
An aghati karma that determines the body
Expression of respect to the virtuous gurus.
Reverent salutation to the five holy beings- arihants, siddhas, acharyas, upadhayas and sadhus/sadhvis. A prayer consisting of nine lines, which is the most meaningful of all Jain prayers in that it allows the follower to pay homage to all teachers.
Hell beings.
The lowest form of life.
Dissociation of karma. One of the nine tattvas.
Sacred sound formed by combining the first syllable of each word in the namaskara mantra.
Formality for taking a vow.
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Ahimsa Paramo Dharma
Non-violence is the highest religion
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