- 16-03-2025
- 30-03-2025
- 13-04-2025
Respected Shravika / Shravak,
During Paryushan 2019, on the auspicious day of Lord Mahaveer’s Janma Vanchan, Shri Deepak bhai Shah (Bardoli) enlightened us with the understanding around ऋण मुक्ति - Runa Mukti and why is this important for us as a Jain, as a member of this Sangh and over and above, as a Human Being. As a result, the noble concept of SSS was born.
Relive the moment -
What is SSS - Spiritual Security Subscription?
The odds that we took birth as a human in itself is very rare, but it is even rarer that we are either born in a Jain family or are connected to Jainism. It can only be attributed to good karma that our soul did in our previous births. It is our good fortune (सौभाग्य) that by virtue of having born in a Jain family, we received some invaluable gifts such as Shri Sangh (MSJS), Shri Jinshasan, Jinalay and glorious tradition of our benevolent Guru Bhagwant.
It is highly unlikely that we can repay this ऋण (debt) in totality. SSS offers a great opportunity for partial debt redemption and expressing our gratitude to Shri Sangh & Jinshasan by gratefully offering certain percentage of our income as Spiritual Security Subscription to secure a happier future.
Why should you become part of MSJS SSS
While living in this materialistic western world, thanks to Shri Sangh (MSJS), we have an opportunity to learn, understand & practice Jain rituals, Jainism principles & values which will help and guide our families to implement the same in our life. Presence of Shri Sangh has been and will continue to be instrumental in ensuring that our families remain connected with Jainism. Shri Sangh will show us the path to achieve true happiness in this life & all future lives through showing us the path to liberation for which we remain utterly grateful and indebted to Shri Sangh.
How to be a part of SSS
MSJS Management Committee would like to express their sincere gratitude towards those who have already committed themselves to this initiative and at the same time, would like to welcome others who wish to be a part of this unique initiative which will help Sadharmik secure connection to Jainism in future lives.
We sincerely hope that this initiative will bring about a positive change in our lives for births to come and by offering such a grateful contribution, we humbly request Tirthankar Prabhu to help us remain connected to Shri Sangh and Jainism, in current as well as future lives.
FAQs relating to SSS
In order to help all Sadharmik / families better understand this concept and clarify some common questions that may arise, MSJS team have created a set of FAQ.
1. What is SSS?
It is our good fortune (सौभाग्य) that by virtue of having born in a Jain family, we received few invaluable gifts - Shree Sangh (MSJS), Shree Jinshasan, Jinalay and glorious tradition of the benevolent Guru Bhagwant. While living in this materialistic western world, thanks to Shree Sangh (MSJS), we have an opportunity to learn, understand & practice Jain rituals, Jainism principles & values which will help and guide our families implement the same in life. Presence of Shree Sangh will be instrumental in ensuring that our families remain connected with Jainism for securing happier future. Shree Sangh will show us the path to achieve true happiness through liberation in this & future lives for which we remain utterly grateful and indebted to Shree Sangh, from bottom of our heart. It is highly unlikely that we can repay this debt in totality. SSS offers a great opportunity for partial debt redemption and expressing our gratitude to Shree Sangh & Jinshasan by gratefully offering certain percentage of our income as (S)piritual (S)ecurity (S)ubscription to secure happier future. By offering such grateful contribution, we humbly request Tirthankar prabhu help us remain connected to Shree Sangh and Jainism, in current as well as future lives.
2. Why SSS is important for me and my family?
"It is important that we express our gratitude (कृतज्ञ भाव) for everything we have got - Even more importantly for getting Jin Shasan, Shree Sangh, and connection to Jainism. By continuously expressing our sincere gratitude (saying thank you) for anything, we make ourselves eligible and suitable to receive it again. It is nature's law that everything we make ourselves eligible for, nature ensures that we get it again & again in future lives. We are indebted for what we have got - Jin Shasan, Shree Sangh, and connection to Jainism. It is highly unlikely that we can repay this debt in totality. A financial contribution to Shree Sangh through SSS is one of the small ways to express our gratitude (कृतज्ञ भाव) and making ourselves eligible to get Jin Shasan, Shree Sangh, and connection to Jainism in lives to come."
3. Should SSS contribution form be filled by every member of the family?
SSS is individual's commitment for one's own future. So ideally it should filled for every individual in the family - including children. This will instill that good habit and understanding in children.
4. Are the contributions to SSS compulsory?
Anyone who wishes to ensure that individuals and family remain connected with Jainism for securing happier future, should be grateful to Shree Sangh for providing such wonderful opportunity and making all arrangements. Now it is up to the individuals to decide if one wants to take up this opportunity.
5. Annual % committment is based on individual's income before tax or after tax?
Individuals may calculate the subscription amount as % of Income after tax. But individuals are welcome to calculate based on Income before tax.
6. What is considered 'year' for the purpose of SSS contribution?
Paryushan to Paryushan. It fits well with year-end being June each year.
7. Can I make changes to my committed contribution %?
Commitment % may be changed any time by the individual. SSS is commitment as a % of one's income. One should aim to increase the % as it is small % of Income well spent for our future and future generation.
8. Can I opt-out from this annual commitment?
SSS is an opportunity provided to each individual by Shree Sangh. It is always up to the individual to either opt-in or opt-out. In either case, as a courtesy, it may be best if same is communicated to Shree Sangh - in this case MSJS.
9. How long one should contribute towards SSS? (What is the longevity)
SSS offers a great opportunity for partial debt redemption and expressing our gratitude to Shree Sangh and Jin Shasan. Ideally SSS subscription should be paid as long as possible - At least until the time we continue to earn. SSS is a small contribution for much bigger & longer term gain. Hence it should be maintained as long as contribution can be maintained without causing any hardship.
10. What options are currently available for an individual to start making contributions ?
Whilst all the normal means of making donations to MSJS (In person, Bank transfer, ShoutforGood, and through distribution from trust etc.) are available and can be used, we encourage the individual to set this contribution as a recurring transfer (say quarterly) or as a lump sum annually.
11. While making contribution, should one nominate that particular contribution is for SSS?
Since SSS is for a specific purpose, it is recommended that when you make payment, please nominate that this amout is SSS contribution.
12. Can I use SSS commited amount for any other Chadava/Nakra?
Typically, Chadhava is for getting something in return where as SSS is partial debt redemption for what we have already got. Hence SSS amount is exclusive of any other chadhava/nakra/contribution.
13. SSS contribution is considered Shubh Sarva Sadharan or Dev Dravya?
SSS subscription will be accounted as Shubh Sarva Sadharan. As such Shubh Sarva Sadharan fund can be utilised in any area where fund is needed the most.
14. Contribution to SSS limited to our Sangh, MSJS?
Shree Sangh is instrumental connecting us to religion and its values. Hence it is our responsibility to support Shree Sangh we belong to. If you live in Melbourne, MSJS is our Sangh. If you relocate to say Brisbane, you may contribute to Brisbane Jain Sangh instead of MSJS. If you relocate to India, you may contribute to local Jain Sangh in India instead of MSJS.
15. Will accounting system of Shree Sangh track contribution from individuals? Will system trigger any reminder(s) for those who have missed paying?
SSS is committment made by individuals to ensure reservation of getting connected to Jainism for the future. In the interest of Sadharmiik, Shree Sangh may send gentle reminders if one has missed sending the subscription. Shree Sangh may only track if one has committed and not contributed (irrespective of the amount). This will help Sadharmik achieve its original objective and saves one from any dosh of non-payment of committed amount.