- 30-03-2025
- 13-04-2025
- 27-04-2025
MSJS is a non-profit organisation conducting various activities related to Jainism. MSJS solely depends on community members for their support by way of attendance, contributions, donations and sponsorship.
MSJS has kept nominal amount of $101.00 Nakro/Donation for Sadharmik Bhakti Swami Vatsalya (Lunch). All are requested to take ‘labh’ by way of generous contributions.
To confirm your Nakra, please email to [email protected] or contact Himesh Doshi at finance counter on the day of event.
If you would like to participate in Pooja then please come in the Pooja cloths.
The name Anjan Shalaka is given to the ceremony of decorating the eyes of new images of Jins with collyrium made of many special substances. using in the process a gold-stick.
On this occasion, the following five auspicious events relating to the Lord are celebrated.
Only the event of the Kaivalyagnan is called Anjan Shalaka and it is arranged to be carried out at an auspicious and sacred period, at midnight,
The smearing of collyrium to the eyes of the image with a gold-stick can be done only by the Acharya Bhagavant, in the Jain command or by the Anuyogacharya, the one next to him.
Reference: http://www.jainworld.com/jainbooks/guideline/47.htm