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Visiting MSJS Jinalay & Centre


In line with the latest announcement from the Victorian Government, we are pleased to open MSJS Jinalay and MSJS Centre again to the MSJS community from Friday, 19/11/2021 for fully vaccinated individuals, unless the individual has an exemption.


While visiting MSJS JInalay or MSJS Centre, please ensure you park your cars in a way that doesn't disturb our neighbourhood. MSJS Centre parking is closed since it is under construction so please use street parking.

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

For queries, email us at [email protected].

MSJS Management Committee


Next Samayik

  • 30-03-2025
  • 13-04-2025
  • 27-04-2025


Ahimsa Paramo Dharma

Non-violence is the highest religion

Micchami Dukdam

खामेमि सव्व जीवे, सव्वे जीवा खमंतु मे,मित्ती मे सव्व-भूएसु, वेरं मज्झ न केणइ