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Children Religious Activity (CRA)

27th July 2024 to 1st November 2024

Respected Shravak/Shravika,

MSJS has always encouraged children to learn and practice Jain religion and its fundamental principles which help prepare themselves for better future. Considering success of last few Children Religious Activities, MSJS will be running the activity for children from the age of 0 to 15 yrs.  

This year's CRA activity will run for continuously 3 months from 27th July 2024 (Aashad Vad 7) to 1st November 2024 (Aaso Vad 30). On nominated gift distribution day each participating child in the CRA 2024 will be rewarded based on points they have earned.

How to register and participate:

  1. To participate in CRA 2024, please register your child/children using registration form below. Please note each child must be registered individually.
  2. You will receive an email closer to 25/07/2024 with instruction on how to update your child's CRA scorecard.
  3. Complete the Children Activity Score Card in excel by entering "1" against each Niyam children has performed for the day.
  4. Excel sheet will calculate total points for nominated Days/Months.
  5. This year there would be Full Family activities which will have additional points.
  6. We endeavour to use additional form of communication via WhatsApp*. This would help moderators to send Personal or Group Messages to Parents and provide feedback.


Registration form for MSJS CRA 2024

Each child must be registered individually


For More information, Please contact [email protected].

Kind Regards,
MSJS Management Committee


Micchami Dukdam

खामेमि सव्व जीवे, सव्वे जीवा खमंतु मे,मित्ती मे सव्व-भूएसु, वेरं मज्झ न केणइ